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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Nicki got Drake to go to A.I

Nicki Talks About how she got Drake
 to go to American Idol

She just can't stop smiling when she talks about him :')
Especially when she says "I knew that he would come because he already told me he would"

Friday, 26 April 2013

Chris Copy Cat

Chris the Copy Cat

Chris is Learning From Nic!

Trying to take away attention from Drizzy so her attention is on you maybe?
Hahaa won't work Darling :)

Dricki American Idol

American Idol Surprise

Sooooo, who watched American Idol last night? YESS OMG IT WAS THE BEST!
Nicki brought Drake along to surprise one of the contestants, boy isn't she just so sweeet?!
You never know Drake might be the secret man Nic's been talking about! Nic done a kissy face towards him and he blew a kiss to her and they held hands for a while! pictures aren't so clear but watch the video to check it out yourself :D

Yessss Nicki Retweeted! Sorry can't show the persons identity but Nic retweeted it so yeah.. :P

Get In There Dricki!

Laughing, Talking and oh wait.. holding hands!

She really wants to kiss Drake, If only he was looking at her... She's so sly 
He Also wants to Kiss Nic!

watch it from Word On Road or...
Full Video:


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Girls Love Beyonce

Drake- Girls Love Beyonce

So we're pretty sure you all have heard of Drakes new song 'Girls Love Beyonce'. Well we've been told by many of you's that you think the song is about Nicki, so we zoomed into the lyrics and linked it to the relationship he has with Nic...

First of all:

"No new friends, No, No, No"
  • This one's obvious.. He doesn't need any new friends because he has his YMCMB family

"‘Cause those other men are practice
And this ain’t no time for actin’
And this ain’t no time for games
And this ain’t no time for uncertainty"

  • Other men such as SB (no hatin' here) are just practice and he's going to be 'the one only'.
  • No time for them to act like they have nothing going on.
  • No time for fooling around (Rihanna, SB).
  • And no time to not be certain that they Love each other because they both know they do.

"This is not four years ago
Time escapes me"
  • 4 years ago was 2009, the Bedrock times where Nic and Drake first became Dricki and were going out (Drakes dad admitted).
  • And time has escaped but he knows it's her he needs.

"I need someone I leave through the front door with
‘Cause we don’t wanna hide no more
Plus you’re not shy no more"
  • Admitting he needs someone (her)
  • And even he doesn't want to hide the facts of Dricki no more.
  • And Nicki isn't as shy anymore, she's more out there now.

"Even though nothing was the same
Let me get your ass alone
Let me make you say my name"
  • Nothing was the same 'then' as it is now and he liked it like that
because of the whole getting famous thing,things changed.
  • We all know Her ass is famous so he's obviously wanting her to his self alone and wants her to say his name for reasons ;) (We need Dricki Babies!)

I don't know if you find any of these lyrics to be about Nicki but you have to admit that there is a lot of things linked and obvious.
Let us know what you think in the comments below :) 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


TDM Tumblr

Okay guys, so some you have advised TDM to create our own tumblr to share more things with you guys and now we officially do have a Tumblr account:

Now as you know we are new to this and seriously Have no idea what we're doing.. well what I'm doing so it will take a little time to get used to!

Please Share the link also Show the TDM videos and the blog to your friends on Twitter or Facebook.

Twitter: @DrickiMovement
Youtube: DrickiTDM

Facebook: To Come Soon!

Very Late Poll Results

Very Late Poll Results

'What do you think of our new Video?'

It's Awesome- 0%
It's emotional- 66%
Cute!- 17%
Kinda Boriiing?- 0%
Haven't watched it yet- 0%
Neh.- 0%

Looks like you all enjoyed it, yes I know very emotional.. we all love Dricki here.. Makes it extra emotional knowing no Dricki action has been taking place.. Everyone's too busy I guess!

Anywaaaay, sorry been gone for a LONG time! I mean I can proudly say I am a teen and that word 'teen' means one thing..... EXAMS! 
Well I know how entertainment is important for everyone so we will do our best to keep you busy and entertained! Just don't forget us when we're gone.
Thanks For Your Support while we have been gone though!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

TDM video #2

TDM Official 2013 Video

Sooo we have a new video guys!
let us know if you like it or even love it!
and ways of which we could improve it
Thank you for viewing and supporting us and please if you are a fan of Dricki and you want to get this movement going let your friends and followers or the whole world know if you could
Love You All