Story1: Dricki Days
Drake was talking to the YMCMB members hearing about this girl named 'Onika' but had changed her name to "Nicki Minaj" which he hadn't seen yet; he really wanted to meet her especially the way Wayne(the boss) had described her. She had been official in YMCMB for a few months now and Drake had only just arrived but he had this feeling he was going to meet someone who was going to change his life forever, Wayne had been talking to him but all he was doing was look at the front door of the studio waiting impatiently for Onika, but as usual he had to do the thing he loved most at this time which was making lyrics and rapping so he sat down listening to some beats and jotting down some ideas of clever lyrics while the rest of the members were talking and recording things and laughing, he still had Onika in his mind the impatient stare at the door was starting to get to him.
Wayne had came over to ask whats wrong and Aubrey had replied "nothing i just feel as if theres something special and precious thats going to walk through the doors any minute" wayne replied "ahahaa you funny mannn, now im definately sure your going to make great mixtapes for the ladies next year" and walked off.
Everyone was doing their own thing chilling, laughing and recording their new lives as a YMCMB member (young successful rappers) and were all so comfortable together, as Aubrey started focussing on his music he suddenly heard a door open behind him and this squeaky but sexy voice behind him, he smiled and turned around straight away, it was Onika she was exactly how Wayne had described her as; Slim, petite, a little short, bubbly, funny, perfect smile, flawless skin, magical eyes, a famous ass, the figure, she was perfect he had smiled ear to ear then he heard Wayne call her name "Yo Niiiiic, where you been girl we've been waitin for you" and then went and gave her a hug, she then looked at Aubrey and smiled, she replied back to Waynes question but looking at Aubrey "Sorry i'm late there was a bit of traffic- whose this tall, dark and handsome mann then?"she changed the subject straight away.
Wayne walked ahead to Aubrey and Onika followed him till she and Aubrey were facing each other Wayne introduced them, "This is the new YMCMB member and the guy you are going to be with most of the time on tour and on the tour bus with, Onika this is Drake or Aubrey which ever one you prefer and Drake or Aubrey this is Onika or Nicki, yeh?" he laughed because he was starting to confuse his self, he walked off to let them talk and get to know each other so Onika lead the way to the red leather couch and Aubrey followed her, they both sat down and Onika sat with her feet up and crossed and facing Aubrey and he sat facing her, "so Onika i finally got to meet you, i've heard a lot about you" Drake started off the conversation in a very intelligent way of speaking; "Aubrey, i've heard a lot about you too, i heard you write really good and true lyrics, can i see or hear them?" Onika carried on as if she knew him from years ago when she actually just met him 5 minutes ago.
Drake reached for the note pad he had been writing some lyrics on and said a few, when he finished telling her some lyrics she commented "That was SO good, Wow! what gives you the ideas?" asked Onika curiously trying to find out a little more about his personal life, "Well Just the world around me really, like my past and all the things i've been through, the relationships, my ex; mostly what rappers rap about really but i just like writing the real true way of it" Aubrey smiled, Onika had got her answer that Aubrey was single and a very true person, she liked that- "Well i want to see your mind work, im actually really interested in how peoples minds work and that way i'll get to know you better" Aubrey was thinking to his self that he should be careful in what choices he makes so he doesn't let Onika down so he started writing some lyrics again, this time he needed some lyrics to describe a beautiful lady so he looked at Onika who was talking to Wayne but was still by Aubreys side and then thought for a second and started descibing her in his lyrics-
'i love your sushi roll, hotter then wasabii' and 'i see em stand in line just to get beside her' these reminded her of Onika because she has a famous big ass and Aubrey likes that and he knows men stand by her because he kind of would do the same, he didn't want to tell Onika who it was about but Onika read his lyrics which he had just written- "Is this about your ex?" asked Onika, Drake didn't know what to say- "urmm, yeh i think so, i know i should be forgetting her but shes a girl i really loved, even though i dont love her anymore but i did just fall for someone" Aubrey had the biggest smile on his face which looked like he was almost going to laugh- "well i hope you do forget about your ex and who ever this new with the sushi roll hotter then wasabii girl is i hope she keeps you happy for a longer time then your ex did, i know she'd be very lucky" Onika stood up and walked off to go do her own thing and Aubrey watched her walk away,
he had this pain in his heart that felt like he just let something precious go, even though he just met Onika he had this deep connection with her, a connection which no other girl has had with him; girls usually start off with how Sexy Aubrey looks but Onika started off with how passionate she thinks he is, he needs a girl like that. Onika was walking towards her bag to get her water bottle because she was about to start recording her verse of 'Bedrock' but all she thought of was Aubrey and she had a guilty feeling inside her that felt as if she left him alone with out saying anything even though he was just right behind her, she also felt like they were having a deep down moment and she just walked away like it was nothing important. Thay both felt guilty about something they don't even know how the other person feels, but they both knew what they had to do to start bonding, Wayne was watching them both from a far and smiled so wide, he had an idea...
What do you think is Waynes idea and did you like the story so far? let me know and comment bellow!!
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