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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

voting poll results

                        Voting poll results: 13/09/12-25/09/12

'What would make you the happiest DrickiDarling ever?!'

New Dricki Collab- 21%
Dricki Performing- 42%
Dricki Tweeting each other like before- 42%
YM Tour- 12%

Their tweets were cute weren't they?! and Dricki performing would be AWESOME! Me personally would be selfish and say we want all of them!


Thursday, 13 September 2012


Remember that we have a Official Website!!
The Dricki Movement Website:

Visit it now, you never know you might like it better!

The Boys

                                          Nicki Minaj The Boys Ft Cassie

This is the song we've all been waiting for!! SOO worth it! Thank You Nicki ! :') #LoveLoveLove #TheBoys

VMA results

                                                                       VMA Dricki Results

So sorry for the late update on the VMAs but as most of you all know school started for most of us last week so it's unfortunately starting to get busy again, but we will carry on.. So..

Dricki DID win awards at the VMAs!! obviously we Knew they'd win I mean Come On Its Drake and Nicki Minaj! Everyone noticed the little looks RihRih and Nic gave each other but we don't know what and why that is. Rihanna and Katy were truly acting like B*tches sad to say but they did and Nic told Rihanna to sit the F*ck down (!) Well Thats well Damn good because if a girl is gonna be messing with your man you don't let her stand there and try to hug you! everything happens for a reason.. Drake is not anyone's personal sex toy!! ANYWAY!!
Dricki sat next to each other and won and that's all that matters to us!! Congrats! 
Oh and Wayne is just so cute! His lil dance when Drizzy won! AW!

Best Hip Hop Video- Drake ft Lil Wayne 'HYFR'
Best Female Video- Nicki Minaj 'Starships'

Drake winning his well deserved award!!!

A little jealous there are we Chris?!

Nicki & Wayne on stage with Drake

Drake Laughing when Kevin brought
 up beef with Chris (Nic does NOT look happy)

Dricki & The BO$$

Nic on stage performing with Alicia 'Girl on Fire'

Nic winning her well deserved award!!!
Nic & Drake &  Waynes heads lool!

Poll Results 09/09/12-13/09/12

                                                                   Poll Results 09/09/12-13/09/12

'Have we updating you about Dricki well?'

Yes, Thank You- 99%
No, Sorry- 1%

Thanks DrickiDarlings!! it's good to know that we're doing well, sorry to that 1 person but we'll try a bit better. Thanks for supporting The Dricki Movement! :)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Seating VMA's 2012

                                                                                 VMA's 2012: Seating

As we all know tonight is the VMA's. Viewers and fans get ready to congratulate them for top views because the seating has been revealed a few days ago... read and watch carefully...

>  >   >  >  >  >  >  >  >  This Way>  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  
Lil wayne,  Drake,  Nicki,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  Katy Perry, Rihanna,  Chris Brown  

VMA 2012 seating

We just hope everything goes smoothly and Drake doesn't even Look at Rihanna's face but since he's nominated for Take Care he will obviously win so we'll see what happens!

Good Luck to all the nominations!!! (But you know that Drake & Nicki's going to take all your awards right?!) 
Go Dricki and Do your magic!! we wanna see!!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Budweiser's Annual Made In America Festival 2012

Drake performed at Budweiser's Annual Made In America Festival 2012

Drake performed at Budweiser's Annual Made In America Festival and as we all know Jay Z picked who he wanted to perform and obviously he would have to pick our Drizzy, he also brought out 2 surprise guests and sadly No none of them were Nic but oh well! Instead he brought out 2 Chainz & French Montana!!
Here are some Photos & Videos Spotted earlier by twitter!



                                            Dricki Collage by You

Hey there DrickiDarlings!! Well as we had tweeted before, We need some of #TeamDricki's pics to use on this and our Other TDM site, but as you all know we need your permissions so if you want your image to be used on TDM then please DM or mention us on Twitter @DrickiMovement and we will send you the email you should send your Picture to. This is just to show the variety of Dricki Lovers and to let people know that  Dricki is loved by a lot of the fans!
 Please&Thanks! #Love

Dricki Fan-fic6


They both sat there looking into each others eyes trying to figure out what they both wanted, Nicki then suddenly laughing- "Drake what should we do?" she said sounding almost like she was complaining, Drake also laughed because he didn't know the answer to her question- "For now, forget that we mentioned those things about each other, lets just be Drake and Nicki Two young artists aiming to succeed" Nicki then shook her head in agreement.

What they didn't know is that Wayne was listening through the door and had heard everything, he started to do a little dance because he knew his plan was working. 

Nicki sat up and Drake sat near her in the same position, even though Drake was younger he was a giant compared to Nicki.
they both started talking casually, Drake was taking tips about the first public stage performance from her since she had been doing it for a few months now- "The first impressions you make is what everyone will see you as for the rest of your famous life" Nicki preeched, Drake was just watching her talk and half the things she said he never heard because he was too busy day dreaming at her face- "Do you want a massage? this is the only time i'm giving you a massage coz i'm Aubrey today and tomorrow I'll be Drake the new rapper" Drake chuckled and Nicki laughed because he sounded so cute- "Okay, but you better be good, don't pull any of my muscles" Nicki pointed at Drake because she's really delicate- "Baby my hands are magic, no need to worry" He said in his sexy voice, She giggled.

As he was giving her a massage she started to scream- "Draaake! Ouch! what did you do?!! Its killing mee!" Nicki was holding her right shoulder in pain- "Oh no! I'm so sorry I don't even know what I did wrong! should I call the doctors?!! I'm so sorry Nic what do I do? Fuckkk.." Drake started to panic, he had no idea what to do all he saw was that she was in pain and he was the one to cause it and that hurt him soo much too...

What do you think will happen Next?! 

Dricki fan fic

Sorry about the Dricki Fan fic being on a HUGE pause!! but it will be back really soon, Remember to comment so we know your Opinions and ideas! Thank You!! x

voting poll result 25/08/12-01/09/12

                                                           Voting Poll Results: 25/08/12-01/09/12

'Now that RiRi admitted she still loves Chris do you think Nicki will show Drake more love than she already does?'

Yes!!- 56%
No!- 44%

Looks like all you DrickiDarlings can't get enough of Dricki Love, well neither can we!