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Thursday, 20 December 2012

Voting Poll Results

'Do You think 'DrickiDraw' will be successful?'

Unfortunately, No- 50%
Yes, It's interesting :)-50%

Hmmmm... Looks like we'll have to see what happens then!
I personally think, not much people will be bothered... sad, I know :(

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

our first post


Our first DrickiDraw sent already!! Keep it up guys :D

Hi Yall

Hi Y'all! Long time no share!! we want you to participate in a new lil 'DrickiDraw'. So basically, draw a picture, sketch, paint ANYTHING and send your perfect art piece of Dricki to or send us a link to it in the comment bar bellow! and in (BRACKETS) let us know if you would like us to share it in a new upcoming Dricki video for 2013! Have fun! 

send by: 20th December 2012

Tweet us @DrickiMovement