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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Drake we'll be fine Nicki

Drake- We'll Be Fine Nicki

Well he didn't exactly say that but Drake's video for 'We'll be fine' is near and guess what Nicki's In it!!
In the trailer for the video there is a HUGE obvious naked statue of Nicki, wonder why its there?!

Its obviously because he loves her.. some fan blogs say that they think Dricki might have 'Did it' because she had said her and Mariah had made up after watching her sex tape, but with whom is the sex tape with?! and now we see a naked statue of her on Drakes video and he would have NOT put that up without Nicki's permission!

Naked Nicki statue in Drake's we'll be fine video

Video Trailer below:  

voting poll results

Voting Poll Results

Who raps this? "All this money coming in but I never share that boy"

Drake- 10%
Lil Wayne- 0%
Nicki- 90%
Tyga- 0%

Looks like you OBVIOUSLY know your music guys!!