
Follow: @DrickiMovement @ShamziiBwaybii @DrickiAllDay @Saraliny4ever @NinaBonita_girl #TDM Visit Our Official Website:

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Voting Poll Results

'Do You think 'DrickiDraw' will be successful?'

Unfortunately, No- 50%
Yes, It's interesting :)-50%

Hmmmm... Looks like we'll have to see what happens then!
I personally think, not much people will be bothered... sad, I know :(

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

our first post


Our first DrickiDraw sent already!! Keep it up guys :D

Hi Yall

Hi Y'all! Long time no share!! we want you to participate in a new lil 'DrickiDraw'. So basically, draw a picture, sketch, paint ANYTHING and send your perfect art piece of Dricki to or send us a link to it in the comment bar bellow! and in (BRACKETS) let us know if you would like us to share it in a new upcoming Dricki video for 2013! Have fun! 

send by: 20th December 2012

Tweet us @DrickiMovement

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Re-Up DVD

As you all probably know Nicki's album The Re-Up is out and this time it comes with a DVD! this DVD has backstage and all access footage of the fun side of her life, Drake is in this as well!! :D 
The Dricki footage makes me want to cry and scream so would probably make you want to do the same as well but please feel free!! :)

The Preview Footage bellow:

Saturday, 10 November 2012

SO, these are the recent New video's that Dricki are in unfortunately separately but they are amazing!

Va Va Voom!

The Zone

come on a cone

Oh and whose been watching My Truth... I'm sure you dedicated lovable people have! next episode tomorrow, Dricki OVO Fest footage!!!


We have been gone for AGES now! we're so very sorry, we're back now so we can all smile together YAAAAAY!!! #TDM is Back in business baby!!! (no promises being made)

voting poll results 25/09/12

Voting poll results 25/03/12-11/11/12

'Do you think Drake and Nicki would be happy if the were together?'

Yes, they need to happen- 100%
No, they would always hide their feelings- 0%

obviously they'd be happy together I mean they're Dricki!!

Look at them!! :')

Dricki Fan-fic7


He was hesitating and was on the last step until he was going to get into tears, she was in pain and didn’t know what to do; Nicki was still screaming- “Let me call an ambulance!!” he ran to the phone and started dialling then suddenly Nicki stated laughing and she hugged him from behind.
“You fool, do you really think you would hurt me?! I can feel that you were being delicate, like you were barely touching me” She looked at Drakes face he just stood there in shock, not knowing what to say- “Nic! That’s nothing to joke about, you got me worried sick, I thought I nearly killed you!!” he yelled as if it was something very close and serious to him. Nicki looked at his face and then held it in-between her hands- “Drake, baby I’m sorry I was only joking I promise I’ll never do it again. Thank you for being so protective over me though, I’ve never had a guy care for me in the slightest time” Drake put the phone down-“It’s fine, but aren’t you supposed to be in bed?!” he picked her up and carried her to her bed and then he went under the duvet with her, they held hands under the duvet and then stared at each other, after all they did know what they were feeling inside about each other but they didn’t know what to do, Drake then kissed her on the forehead and told her to sleep, so she did, Drake sat there wondering what his life would bring to him next, he imagined what it would feel like when he would have to perform the next day, he looked at Nicki and smiled, the moment was so quiet and all you can hear was Nicki’s breathing and the slightest screams of the crowd and audience at the concert.
“BOO!!!” Drake woke up in a shock, and even though he just woke up with a shock he says- “Shut Up Nicki’s sleeping!!” He looked around and the rest of the members were here laughing and he looked down at Nicki, she was looking up at him with a massive smile-“Wayne, you woke him up…” Nicki exclaimed, she sat up and hugged her big fluffy pillow that was on the bed- “how was the concert then?” Drake asked- “It was mad! The crowd just went insane, you can tell they missed Nicki though, but you’ll see when Drizzy Drake hits the stage crowd would triple the effect of insanity” Wayne looked up at Nicki with a smirk on his face and she scowled back at him-“Don’t worry, I’ll be back with a bang, you’ll see” Just then the door knocked-“who is it?” asked Wayne-“It’s me” Wayne looked at Nicki and then at Drake, then to the door, his face went hard and serious.

Who do you think knocked at the door? And do you think Wayne likes this person?

Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Boys Video

            Nicki Ft Cassie-The Boys Official music video & Behind the scenes!!

The Boys Official Video

Behind The Scenes

The video is just so WOW! they both look so sexy like always! #LoveLoveLoveIt !!

Check it out Now! <3

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

voting poll results

                        Voting poll results: 13/09/12-25/09/12

'What would make you the happiest DrickiDarling ever?!'

New Dricki Collab- 21%
Dricki Performing- 42%
Dricki Tweeting each other like before- 42%
YM Tour- 12%

Their tweets were cute weren't they?! and Dricki performing would be AWESOME! Me personally would be selfish and say we want all of them!


Thursday, 13 September 2012


Remember that we have a Official Website!!
The Dricki Movement Website:

Visit it now, you never know you might like it better!

The Boys

                                          Nicki Minaj The Boys Ft Cassie

This is the song we've all been waiting for!! SOO worth it! Thank You Nicki ! :') #LoveLoveLove #TheBoys

VMA results

                                                                       VMA Dricki Results

So sorry for the late update on the VMAs but as most of you all know school started for most of us last week so it's unfortunately starting to get busy again, but we will carry on.. So..

Dricki DID win awards at the VMAs!! obviously we Knew they'd win I mean Come On Its Drake and Nicki Minaj! Everyone noticed the little looks RihRih and Nic gave each other but we don't know what and why that is. Rihanna and Katy were truly acting like B*tches sad to say but they did and Nic told Rihanna to sit the F*ck down (!) Well Thats well Damn good because if a girl is gonna be messing with your man you don't let her stand there and try to hug you! everything happens for a reason.. Drake is not anyone's personal sex toy!! ANYWAY!!
Dricki sat next to each other and won and that's all that matters to us!! Congrats! 
Oh and Wayne is just so cute! His lil dance when Drizzy won! AW!

Best Hip Hop Video- Drake ft Lil Wayne 'HYFR'
Best Female Video- Nicki Minaj 'Starships'

Drake winning his well deserved award!!!

A little jealous there are we Chris?!

Nicki & Wayne on stage with Drake

Drake Laughing when Kevin brought
 up beef with Chris (Nic does NOT look happy)

Dricki & The BO$$

Nic on stage performing with Alicia 'Girl on Fire'

Nic winning her well deserved award!!!
Nic & Drake &  Waynes heads lool!

Poll Results 09/09/12-13/09/12

                                                                   Poll Results 09/09/12-13/09/12

'Have we updating you about Dricki well?'

Yes, Thank You- 99%
No, Sorry- 1%

Thanks DrickiDarlings!! it's good to know that we're doing well, sorry to that 1 person but we'll try a bit better. Thanks for supporting The Dricki Movement! :)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Seating VMA's 2012

                                                                                 VMA's 2012: Seating

As we all know tonight is the VMA's. Viewers and fans get ready to congratulate them for top views because the seating has been revealed a few days ago... read and watch carefully...

>  >   >  >  >  >  >  >  >  This Way>  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  >  
Lil wayne,  Drake,  Nicki,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  Katy Perry, Rihanna,  Chris Brown  

VMA 2012 seating

We just hope everything goes smoothly and Drake doesn't even Look at Rihanna's face but since he's nominated for Take Care he will obviously win so we'll see what happens!

Good Luck to all the nominations!!! (But you know that Drake & Nicki's going to take all your awards right?!) 
Go Dricki and Do your magic!! we wanna see!!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Budweiser's Annual Made In America Festival 2012

Drake performed at Budweiser's Annual Made In America Festival 2012

Drake performed at Budweiser's Annual Made In America Festival and as we all know Jay Z picked who he wanted to perform and obviously he would have to pick our Drizzy, he also brought out 2 surprise guests and sadly No none of them were Nic but oh well! Instead he brought out 2 Chainz & French Montana!!
Here are some Photos & Videos Spotted earlier by twitter!



                                            Dricki Collage by You

Hey there DrickiDarlings!! Well as we had tweeted before, We need some of #TeamDricki's pics to use on this and our Other TDM site, but as you all know we need your permissions so if you want your image to be used on TDM then please DM or mention us on Twitter @DrickiMovement and we will send you the email you should send your Picture to. This is just to show the variety of Dricki Lovers and to let people know that  Dricki is loved by a lot of the fans!
 Please&Thanks! #Love

Dricki Fan-fic6


They both sat there looking into each others eyes trying to figure out what they both wanted, Nicki then suddenly laughing- "Drake what should we do?" she said sounding almost like she was complaining, Drake also laughed because he didn't know the answer to her question- "For now, forget that we mentioned those things about each other, lets just be Drake and Nicki Two young artists aiming to succeed" Nicki then shook her head in agreement.

What they didn't know is that Wayne was listening through the door and had heard everything, he started to do a little dance because he knew his plan was working. 

Nicki sat up and Drake sat near her in the same position, even though Drake was younger he was a giant compared to Nicki.
they both started talking casually, Drake was taking tips about the first public stage performance from her since she had been doing it for a few months now- "The first impressions you make is what everyone will see you as for the rest of your famous life" Nicki preeched, Drake was just watching her talk and half the things she said he never heard because he was too busy day dreaming at her face- "Do you want a massage? this is the only time i'm giving you a massage coz i'm Aubrey today and tomorrow I'll be Drake the new rapper" Drake chuckled and Nicki laughed because he sounded so cute- "Okay, but you better be good, don't pull any of my muscles" Nicki pointed at Drake because she's really delicate- "Baby my hands are magic, no need to worry" He said in his sexy voice, She giggled.

As he was giving her a massage she started to scream- "Draaake! Ouch! what did you do?!! Its killing mee!" Nicki was holding her right shoulder in pain- "Oh no! I'm so sorry I don't even know what I did wrong! should I call the doctors?!! I'm so sorry Nic what do I do? Fuckkk.." Drake started to panic, he had no idea what to do all he saw was that she was in pain and he was the one to cause it and that hurt him soo much too...

What do you think will happen Next?! 

Dricki fan fic

Sorry about the Dricki Fan fic being on a HUGE pause!! but it will be back really soon, Remember to comment so we know your Opinions and ideas! Thank You!! x

voting poll result 25/08/12-01/09/12

                                                           Voting Poll Results: 25/08/12-01/09/12

'Now that RiRi admitted she still loves Chris do you think Nicki will show Drake more love than she already does?'

Yes!!- 56%
No!- 44%

Looks like all you DrickiDarlings can't get enough of Dricki Love, well neither can we!

Saturday, 25 August 2012

voting poll results 20/08/12-25/08/12

Voting poll results: 20/08/12-25/08/12

'What's your favourite Dricki song?'

Up All Night- 6%
Moment For Life- 74%
Make Me Proud- 20%

Looks like everyone loves the song where Dricki got married in!
Someday Moment For Life video will be a reality, Dricki are SO cute!! Check out the video!

Pink Friday Perfume

                                                                     Pink Friday Perfume

As we all know Nicki announced the design of her perfume last week and it's probably one of the most awesome perfume bottles I've ever seen! 
Twitter was exploding with how proud they are about how far she has gotten in life and how they love and can't wait to buy the perfume.
So we know and hope that Nicki's perfume will be very successful and I can't wait to smell it!
Nicki's 'Pink Friday' perfume bottle!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Nicki brings out Drake

                                      Dricki at NYC Roseland Ballroom

As you all DrickiDarlings know that Nicki brought out Drake, Wayne, Cameron and Foxy Brown at her last show in NYC roseland ballroom. Here are some pics and Videos from the show... Dricki was in full love motion, even though drake got turned down we all know she always says that, but she still gives him love!

Visit these sites for the best versions of the videos:



If there hasn't been updates for a long time then please visit the other site. 

Monday, 13 August 2012

OVO fest 2012

                                                                       OVO Fest 2012

Here are the Pictures from Ovo Fest 'Dricki'
These two made everyones heart burst, they are just full of complete love annd affection for each other see for your self.. for the video scroll down.

Look what Drake posted on instagram!!!

voting poll results 29/07/12-05/08/12

            Voting Poll Results: 29/07/12-05/08/12

'Martha is from...?'

Rome- 7%
New York- 0%
Paris- 15%

Martha (Roman's mother) is from London! some people need to do their homework...
Here is Martha

Sunday, 29 July 2012

voting poll results: 29/07/12

Voting Poll Results: 25/07/12 - 29/07/12

'Drake likes Nicki in her...?'

Black wig- 100%
Pink wig- 0%
Crazy wig- 0%
Martha wig- 0%

Well Done!! Looks like all fo you's know Drizzy's Likings!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

New Website

New Official Website (Not blogspot)

Hi Guys! Okay so we have officially got ourselves a Website (not blogspot) don't worry this blogspot will be running as usual.

We decided to make a website because the website gives us more things to work with and to make our website look better, The Dricki Movement Blogspot has been going REALLY well thanks to you viewers so it's time to give #TDM a upgrade.

 Please visit the website (You might like the website better) but please also feel free to come back here because this is where it all started. #TDM #TeamDrizzy #TeamMinaj #TeamDricki

And yes it was made on Weebly Lool!

Thank You!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Dricki Vids

Our Youtube Playlist

No one can explain the amount of Love They have for each other and the amount of love SOOO many fans everywhere have for them. The are Perfect for each other.

Dricki For Life

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


                                       Our Favourite New Dricki Website

Hello DrickiDarlings!
well today is a great day because I have just viewed one of Thee best Dricki websites so far, and honestly it looks better then ours but no competition.. Everyone should go and view this Dricki website and support her too and go follow her twitter @DrickiLove So happy for her and hope for the best for her website!!


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

voting poll 25/07/12

                      Voting Poll Results: 16/07/12 - 25/07/12

'Do you think Rihanna deserves Drake?'

NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!- 97%
Yes, she's just a bit confused- 3%

Yes so this proves that its Dricki all the damn way! :D

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Dricki Fan-Fic5


The next morning everyone was awake apart from Nicki, the whole crew went to go check on her and she could barely talk, she was too ill to perform anywhere or even get out of the bed! They were at their destination now which was in New York; Drake was going to have his biggest spotlight moment so far- “I wish you luck Drake, and don’t be nervous just remember me in your head” Nicki tried hard to get these words out of her mouth- “whose gonna stay with Nic then?! She cant stay here alone and we don’t even have our other crew members we need everyone with us for backstage!” Wayne was starting to get worried he was worried about Nicki and how ill she was and then he has no one to stay with her and they need all the crew members for backstage.

In that second of silence and people’s minds thinking Drake popped up- “I’ll stay with her! I mean people don’t NEED to know me right this day, I still hopefully have tomorrows performance, I’ll stay here with Nicki while you guys perform” Wayne looked at Nicki’s face she was smiling so wide with her eyes closed partly because she was ill and couldn’t keep her eyes open but the other part because she was so happy someone cares about her after meeting within a few days, suddenly her face slowly dropped and she stopped smiling and then got herself up- “I’ll try and come along with you guys, I don’t want to let my fans down! And Drake this is the first day you perform in front of thousands you can’t do this, I love how you care about me already babe but this is your career!” she started to sit up- “I don’t care! You’re too ill, and if you stay around the performers and your fans then you’ll spread your illness, if it spreads to me then who cares I have nothing to lose from flu.

If this is a family and I am a part of it then I will look out for you no matter what!” Drake's voice was very serious at this point and everyone smiled in shock and happiness that he really cared about them already- “Okay then, if Drake wants to be a Nicki Sitter for the day then he will be, I’ll have to give a shout out to you though bro” he smiled and smacked Drakes back in a joke way, “But we don’t wanna hear our tour bus shaking, okaaay?” Tyga added then laughed, Nicki then smacked him and told him to shut up- “Don’t worry about me I have Drake now” she smiled.

They all left for the show and they closed the door behind them- “It’s just me and you” Drake said smirking cheekily at the ground he laughed because of the awkwardness. “Drake Can I tell you something? You have to promise not to get angry or upset or annoyed, but I’ve been holding this in for AGES! And I know we only met yesterday but I feel like I can tell you anything and you understand me” Nicki looked Drake in the eyes he then started talking- “I first have to tell you something and I also feel like I can tell you anything, you’re the first girl in my life that understands me as a person I feel like we have so much in common in a way; I can’t really describe what it is between us but there is something”….

What do you think they will tell each other?!!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

poll results 15/07/12

                 Poll Results: 08/07/12-15/07/12

'Do you think Drake and Nicki showed each other enough love at Wireless?'

No, they could do waay more!- 28%
They will during the next YM tour- 10%
Not sure about that- 0%

That is a real good sign, the public voted there were 73 votes! and 'YES! THEY'RE BACK!' won!... Here Dricki Come, watch out!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Ice Age 4

                                                                                       Ice Age 4

Okay as you know Drake and Nicki are in Ice Age 4 as 'Ethan' (Drake's character) and 'Steffie' (Nicki's character) the UK is lucky this time around to be watching it before the US (This is a first!) So Since I am from the UK I will obviously go and watch it ASAP! I recommend All #TeamDrizzy and #TeamMinaj go watch it to support them obviously, and I'm sure you will enjoy it!! Sooooo Go Watch Now!

'Steffie' Nic's Character                  'Ethan' Drake's Character

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Wireless Festival 2012

                                                           Wireless Festival 2012 07/07/12

Drake and Nicki performed 'Make Me Proud' yesterday, the cute thing about this is she was performing on a different set and stage and then took time off (while she was sick) to go to Drake's set/stage and perform! That shows how much she cares, she could have just went to her hotel and took a rest but no she decided to perform and party with Drizzy! we hope she gets well soon!
Now we have some footage of them performing and in this Drake praises Nicki like always and she tells him she loves him. The link is bellow (scroll down for the video)

Listen carefully when Drake stops Nicki so he can tell everyone how much he loves her, he says:
"hold on please, hold on this is important, we haven't seen each other in ages"
that brings a tear in my eyes.. He TOTALLY misses her!!
oh and remember that they'll be shooting the 'Champion' video soon!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Wireless Festival 2012

                                                                      Wireless Festival 2012

Finally Dricki Reunited! Drake brang out Nicki at Wireless festival Today and as soon as they started TeamMinaj TeamDrizzy and TeamDricki just started scanning the internet for Pictures and Videos!
Soon a bunch of pictures came up and the amount of chemistry you see in 1 or 2 pictures is just unbelievable! Drake Truely makes Nicki happy and they are obviously happy together so this will happen. Oh and to all of the haters, naming no names *cough Onikafaree people cough* STOP with the jealousy! if her bestfriend and her were to go out, they would be married by now because he's always with her but No nothings happened and nothing will he's just her bestfriend/hype man!
enough about useless things!.....
Nicki also called Drake her husband and he called her his wife (footage soon to come)
here's a image! Bellow
So Cute!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

BET awards 2012

                                             BET Awards 2012

I know this may be late but as we all know Saturday was the 2012 BET awards. Everyone had voted like mad for all their favourite artists and stars to win but we all know if there's any category which has Drake and Nicki in it TeamDrizzy and TeamMinaj will make sure they win and We all did!
Drake and Nicki won Best Male/Female Hip Hop artists! which makes them the King and Queen of Hip Hop right now of the publics choices! Go Dricki!!!! we all are so proud of them two and love them so much! Kind of a bummer Drake didn't attend but he still won and hope he had fun in Italy! :) #YMCMB #TeamDrizzy #TeamMinaj

Back in 2010 since he wasn't at the BET awards 2012    
2012 BET awards

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Dricki Champion Video

                                 The making of 'Champion'

As we all know by now that Nicki has confirmed on twitter that she will be shooting the video for Champion in a few days from now!
I can NOT wait, this will be one of the best videos of all time since its being shot in a very 'special' and 'sacred' place!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Dricki Fan-Fic4

Story 4:

Just in that moment Wayne started talking- "Okay that was great! and we know we all can do better because we are all a group of young talented rappers. Drake, My maann! you are exactly what we needed and now that we got you Young Money will be Winning even more then we already are" Drake smiled- "Thanks for letting me in the YMCMB family, i'm so greatful and happy that i took the Carter route and i already know i won't regret this, and whatever you want and need me to do i'm here for all of you" Drake looked right at Nicki and smiled and she smiled back.
Just as they all packed their things and head off to the tour bus Wayne told Nicki to show Drake where he would be resting through out the journey. "Drake come with me. You will be sleeping riiiiight under me" she giggled a bit- "oh really?" Drake got closer to her and she looked down and got shy- "i meant here!" Nicki pointed to the bunk which was underneath- "So i will be sleeping on top of you. Oh gosh i meant above you!! so No snoring please, i need my beauty sleep"- Drake laughed as Nicki corrected herself- "i don't snore, and dear you are too beautiful already if you get any beautiful it would just kill me" he put his luggage away and sat down on his bed then pulled Nicki's hand towards him, she ended up sitting on his lap and he held her around the waist- "Draaaake! what are you doing you monster!" she screamed and laughed- "You just called me a monster?" Drake said raising his eyebrows "oh now you're in trouble watch how i turn into a monster now!" he started tickling her and she jumped off his lap but he pulled her back as she fell on the bed and he tickled her even more, both Drake and Nicki were laughing. What they didn't know is that Wayne was watching them, Wayne smiled as his plan was working successfully.

Everyone started getting dressed into comfortable night clothes for sleeping- "Yo Drake! No f*ckin at night it makes too much noise! Pahahaa!" Laughed Wayne and everyone laughed along with him- "Hey just coz he's the new nice guy doesn't mean you bully him!" Nicki said as she defended Drake- "Its not bullying if i'm talkin about you too!" Wayne added, they all laughed and Drake laughed too, looking at Nicki's face and she looked at him- "Hey just coz i'm the only girl doesn't mean you bully me!" Nicki answered back laughing, everyone laughed too.

Just as they all laughed and joked about, it was time to go to sleep. Everyone got into their beds and drake Pulled the Curtain which covered the bunk bed so no one disturbed them when they were asleep or resting, he walked up to Nicki then held her by the hand- "You made my first day special, I'm so glad i knew you from before this, Just want you to know that i'm here if you need me and there is no one who f*cks around with my Onika. Good Night beautiful" he kissed her on the forehead and she hugged him around the waist and he hugged her around the shoulder, she then tip-toed and kissed him on his cheek- "Good Night Aubrey, and your pleasure and Thank You" they both smiled and he watched her as she climbed up- "Look at that big fine ass climbing" he added, She laughed out so loud and he chuckled trying to stay quiet, she threw a pillow at him and he dogded it. He picked it up and handed it to her and went to his bed, "Good Night" Drake said quickly- "Good Night Babe" Nicki added and they both drifted off to sleep with each other in mind.

What do you think will happen in the morning? Or do you think they had a dream, what do you think it might have been?

Thursday, 21 June 2012

No Need To Worry

                                                                No Need To Worry!

I know how everyone must be thinking to themselves, 'I hope Drake doesn't like rihanna' well No need to worry, according to 'Mirror' Drake has dissed her in his New song 'No Lie'
"Aww that look like what's her name, chances are it's whats her name/Chances are if she was actin up, then I f**ked her once and never f**ked again/She could have a Grammy, I still treat her ass like a nominee/Just need to know what that p***y like so one time is fine with me."
so your minds can say 'Yaaay' because now we know that Drake is single and he doesn't want to mingle with Rihanna... Nicki, PLEASE! make your yourself, Drake and your #DrickiDarlings happy, Get Married, have babies and live your life as #MummyMinajDaddyDrake... We hope Rihanna F*cks off for good and leaves Dricki alone, I hope Dricki get together and remember the times they had and agree to the #DrickiEmpire.. We Love You Dricki Forever and Always. xx


Friday, 15 June 2012


                         Happy Birthday Thank Me Later- June 15th!!

2 Years ago today was the day Drake released his Album 'Thank Me Later'. It is the album which holds all our favourite Drizzy tracks such as, Up all night, over, show me a good time and many more! So #TDM would like to say how proud we are of Drake, and I know all you guys are too! we hope no other troubles get in his way and no one messes this up for him he has come so far and there should be nothing which would be trying to stop him but we all know Drizzy is Unstoppable... Thank You Drake and we Love You!!

                                            ((Thank Me Later Bitch, June 15th))

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Drake vs Chris Brown

                                      Love Square

I know this blog is about Dricki but we have some news about Drake, it has been said that Drake and Chris Brown have gotten into a physical fight at W.I.P night club where Drake apparently threw a bottle at Chris but now has been said that it was not Drake who threw the bottle but infact Meek Mill who had a little twitter argument weeks ago about Rihanna now in our opinion and so many other peoples opinions if Rihanna is going to mess with peoples emotions and not make a decision and let the guys that love her have a fight where they can literally kill each other then she doesn't deserve Any of them (no offence) i still love RiRi but this is the truth. Drake should just forget about his past and move on and we know exactly who he should be fighting for which is, Yes the Queen [Nicki Minaj] so use the hash tag #Drake4Nicki to show that you agree to this statement or #Drake4NickiNOTrihanna... please leave comments to what you think is right, does Rihanna deserve Drake or does Nicki?

Dricki forever peace
((oh and the title is 'Love Square' for Drake, Nicki, Chris and Rihanna situation.))

SO happy Nicki isn't caught up in this drama.