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Sunday, 8 July 2012

Wireless Festival 2012

                                                           Wireless Festival 2012 07/07/12

Drake and Nicki performed 'Make Me Proud' yesterday, the cute thing about this is she was performing on a different set and stage and then took time off (while she was sick) to go to Drake's set/stage and perform! That shows how much she cares, she could have just went to her hotel and took a rest but no she decided to perform and party with Drizzy! we hope she gets well soon!
Now we have some footage of them performing and in this Drake praises Nicki like always and she tells him she loves him. The link is bellow (scroll down for the video)

Listen carefully when Drake stops Nicki so he can tell everyone how much he loves her, he says:
"hold on please, hold on this is important, we haven't seen each other in ages"
that brings a tear in my eyes.. He TOTALLY misses her!!
oh and remember that they'll be shooting the 'Champion' video soon!

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