The next morning everyone was awake apart from Nicki, the
whole crew went to go check on her and she could barely talk, she was too ill
to perform anywhere or even get out of the bed! They were at their destination
now which was in New York; Drake was going to have his biggest spotlight moment
so far- “I wish you luck Drake, and don’t be nervous just remember me in your
head” Nicki tried hard to get these words out of her mouth- “whose gonna stay
with Nic then?! She cant stay here alone and we don’t even have our other crew
members we need everyone with us for backstage!” Wayne was starting to get
worried he was worried about Nicki and how ill she was and then he has no one
to stay with her and they need all the crew members for backstage.
In that second
of silence and people’s minds thinking Drake popped up- “I’ll stay with her! I
mean people don’t NEED to know me right this day, I still hopefully have
tomorrows performance, I’ll stay here with Nicki while you guys perform” Wayne
looked at Nicki’s face she was smiling so wide with her eyes closed partly
because she was ill and couldn’t keep her eyes open but the other part because
she was so happy someone cares about her after meeting within a few days,
suddenly her face slowly dropped and she stopped smiling and then got herself
up- “I’ll try and come along with you guys, I don’t want to let my fans down!
And Drake this is the first day you perform in front of thousands you can’t do
this, I love how you care about me already babe but this is your career!” she
started to sit up- “I don’t care! You’re too ill, and if you stay around the
performers and your fans then you’ll spread your illness, if it spreads to me
then who cares I have nothing to lose from flu.
If this is a family and I am a
part of it then I will look out for you no matter what!” Drake's voice was very
serious at this point and everyone smiled in shock and happiness that he really
cared about them already- “Okay then, if Drake wants to be a Nicki Sitter for
the day then he will be, I’ll have to give a shout out to you though bro” he
smiled and smacked Drakes back in a joke way, “But we don’t wanna hear our tour
bus shaking, okaaay?” Tyga added then laughed, Nicki then smacked him and told
him to shut up- “Don’t worry about me I have Drake now” she smiled.
They all left for the show and they closed the door behind
them- “It’s just me and you” Drake said smirking cheekily at the ground he
laughed because of the awkwardness. “Drake Can I tell you something? You have
to promise not to get angry or upset or annoyed, but I’ve been holding this in
for AGES! And I know we only met yesterday but I feel like I can tell you
anything and you understand me” Nicki looked Drake in the eyes he then started
talking- “I first have to tell you something and I also feel like I can tell
you anything, you’re the first girl in my life that understands me as a person
I feel like we have so much in common in a way; I can’t really describe what it
is between us but there is something”….
do you think they will tell each other?!!